Education and Employment
Helping You Reach Academic & Career Goals
Pathways addresses the needs of our changing world and equips youth and adults with the necessary skills and credentials for today's labor market.
Youth Workforce Development
Our youth need employment to start a solid foundation going into their adulthood, and employers need a prepared workforce. Pathways provides young people with opportunities to develop basic job and leadership skills while studying to earn their HSD/GED or prepare for college. Participants also gain life skills, receive substance abuse counseling if needed, and engage in community revitalization.
Technical Training
As the world of work becomes more and more specialized, workers need more technically advanced skill sets. Pathways offers advanced training to unemployed and underemployed persons, and these advanced skills provide participants with the technical abilities today's employers require.
Offender Re-Entry
Recently released individuals face barriers beyond the norm; this has negative consequences for us all. Pathways provides a safe and encouraging environment for individuals, with a high potential for recidivism, to access skills training and reintegration support.
Good Health
Pathways Helps Folks Care for Themselves
The health of a community is directly tied to the health of its members. Pathways addresses the health and wellness needs of our community in myriad ways.
Access to Care
All people deserve access to quality health care regardless of ability to pay. Petersburg especially suffers from inadequate access to health care with Virginia's worst rate of hospitalization due to otherwise preventable conditions. Pathways' Free Specialty Clinic and other health-related programs offer people care they would otherwise go without.
Reducing Environmental Hazards
Good health is unreachable if the places we live, work, and play in are poisonous to us. Pathways works to create lead safe homes, provides training in environmental friendliness, operates an EnergyStar certified office facility, and builds green-certified homes.
We are what we eat. In a community defined as a food desert with limited access to healthy food options, making healthy choices in terms of nutrition is even more difficult. Pathways offers nutrition consultation, locally grown organic fruits and vegetables, and wholesome breakfast and lunch options to program participants.
Pathways offers exercise classes, substance abuse counseling, a library of good health literature, and encourages all to exercise more and eat better. Pathways believes in assisting all people in living better, healthier lives.
Revitalized Community
Working With Our Neighbors
One of Pathways' goals is to foster development that leads to the health of both a neighborhood and its residents as well as relationships between persons and their environment. These efforts provide the foundation for all we do.
All people deserve a healthy, decent and efficient home, built for the long-term. Pathways' new homes are EnergyStar and EarthCraft certified, meeting the highest standards of energy efficiency and green construction. All of Pathways' houses are sold at an affordable price to the families who will live in them - increasing the rate of homeownership and community investment.
Green Spaces
Gardens provide us with a place to reconnect with nature, each other, and the food we eat. Pathways meets this community need by engaging residents in transforming vacant lots into vegetable gardens and reclaiming a parking lot for a green public space. Sustainable landscaping practices such as water retention systems, permeable pavers, and native plants insure a lasting impact on the community.
Community Engagement
The most valuable asset in our community is the people who live here. Pathways provides a myriad of opportunities for service, fostering neighborhood attachment and good citizenship. Pathways also offers free produce pickup available weekly Tuesday through Thursday.